The hot sun cooked him like a chicken fried steak. It reminded him of his wife. Mary was known for cooking one of the meanest chicken fried steaks in Mobile, Alabama.
He missed her. A lot. Women y’know. They have a mind of their own. He told her he would buy her a nice car and get some of that pretty jewelry she was always complaining about, but she wasn’t having any of it.
Women just make no sense.
Here he is digging and sweating, meanwhile she’s got it nice and cold. Imagine being wrapped up in a blanket during this weather!
He had some cuts on him and the sweat stung. To be honest, he didn’t mind. This time it stung sweetly. People who say, “work is its own reward” clearly never had a reward like this.
Tom tried to make her see it his way! If she would have just come with him, they’d still be happy.
He remembered asking her, “Come with me Mary! We could get out of here and I’ll get you that car you wanted along with a nice house!”
“Oh no!” Mary said. “You better get out of here! I don’t want to ever see your face again! You’re nothing but a lying, no good, piece of crap!”
“Really? So you have made your choice?”
He hated working out here in the open. It wasn’t safe to do.
Then he saw the sirens.
“C’mon…” he muttered to himself.
The cops started pouring out of the cars.
He had a feeling this would happen. He dropped the shovel and started running. Looks like the move to a new place was gonna happen sooner than he thought!
He took one last look at Mary. Well, not exactly at her. She was actually wrapped in blankets and six feet underground. If only she would have come with him, he would have spent all those jewels he stole on her.
This was my first attempt at flash fiction. Thanks for the idea
!Prompts for 31 January 2025
Write about moving to a new place
it stung sweetly
“So you have made your choice?”
The type of character who doesn’t feel safe
Well, if that isn't the most light-hearted dark story!